CAT CB15 - 360 Training Videos

Microgigantic wanted to create a series of training videos in 360. Up for the challenge we set out to find a solution. Seeing the potential for the technology to be a great use for the end user of any device, let alone a massive vibrating pavement roller, I jumped in head first.

After much research on the best camera/s to use, I settled on the Insta360 Pro 2. This camera, like most 360 cameras, are not built for production. Regardless, it did do the job. Mostly shot at 8K in stereo, this project generated a lot of data. Stitching was no easy task either, but in the end, the images are great.

Nick was able to utilise some fancy audio placement in 360 with depth, although youtube does not support everything he was able to accomplish, he was able to create a space that was truly immersive utilising all the sounds Jennilee was able to capture on location.



Edit / DP - Kyle Franke

Agency: Microgigantic

Sound Design & Mix - Nick Mihalevich

Location Audio: Jennilee Park
